“If brotherly love held all men bound, What a beautiful world this would be.”
J.H. Justice
founder of the Knights of Pythias
The Order of Knights of Pythias is an international, non-sectarian fraternal order, established in Washington, DC on February 19, 1864 by Justus H. Rathbone. It was the first fraternal order to be chartered by an Act of Congress.
The Order began during the Civil War, and it’s founder believed that it might help to heal the wounds and allay the hatred of civil conflict. The Order’s values are based on the friendship of Damon and Pythias as immortilized in the play written by Irish poet John Banim.
About Us
The Grand Lodge of the Grand Domain of West Virginia received a charter from the Supreme Lodge Knights of Pythias on March 11, 1870. The Grand Lodge is composed of officers that have received the rank of Past Chancellor Commander in their respective lodges.
The Grand Domain of West Virginia has 10 subordinate or local lodges located throughout the State of West Virginia.
The outstanding feature of the society is the marvelous friendship and loyalty which binds the brotherhood together.
The Order began during the Civil War with the founder believing that it may help to heal the wounds and allay the hatred of civil conflict.
The Grand Lodge of the Domain of West Virginia donates each year to the WVU Childrens Hospital, Pediatric Cancer Center; Mountaineer Food Bank; widows stipends.
Local lodges give generously to Special Olympics; Youth baseball; Relay for Life; and many others.
The Grand Lodge through it's charitable contributions and through the actions of it's members display benevolence toward their fellow man. Local lodges will often help displaced fire victims, volunteer at soup kitchens, work for their churches etc.
Each year the Supreme Lodge dedicates a day of Devine worship where lodges come together to worship.